How to Apply to the Honors Program
For additional information on how to apply to the Honors Program, please visit the Georgia Tech Living Learning Communities page. Students who have been accepted to Georgia Tech can access their Admission Portal to apply for all living learning communities, including the Honors Program.
Navigate to the Admission Portal.
Scroll to the "Portals."
Click on "Living Learning Communities Portal."
Click on "Apply Now to LLCs."
See the image below for a preview of the application page.

Please note that you can only be a member of ONE living learning community (Explore, First Year Semester Abroad, Global Leadership, Grand Challenges, Honors Program) on campus. First year students who participate in the iGniTe Summer Launch program can still apply to join the Honors Program.
For information on housing rates for Eighth Street East and South, go to the Housing and Residence Life website.
1. Get admitted to Georgia Tech (congrats!).
2. Apply to the Honors Program via the Admission Portal using the steps outlined above.
3. Receive an admissions decision based on the application timeline below.
4. You DO NOT have to commit to Georgia Tech or apply for housing to apply to any living learning community, including the Honors Program.
5. You DO have to commit to Georgia Tech and apply for housing to ACCEPT YOUR OFFER OF ADMISSION from any living learning community, including the Honors Program. Students may accept their offer of admission to the Honors Program via the Admission Portal.
6. Once admissions offers are made, space in the Honors Program is available on a first-come, first-served basis up to the capacity of our residence hall. Once we have reached capacity, you may elect to join the waitlist.
Deadlines to Apply for the Honors Program
Priority Decision: February 28, 2025 by 11:59 PM EST
Regular Decision: April 11, 2025 by 11:59 PM EST
Note that students can choose to apply by either deadline. Students admitted to Georgia Tech early decision are not required to apply by the priority decision deadline, but may opt to do so in order to receive an Honors Program admissions decision earlier.
The Honors Program will release admission decisions on:
Priority Decision: March 18
Regular Decision: April 25
Applications received after April 11, 2025 will be reviewed on a rolling basis. There is no fixed decision release date and students will be notified via email only if a space becomes available. It is strongly recommended that you apply no later than April 11, 2025, as spots tend to fill quickly.
The Honors Program will host four virtual information sessions for admitted Georgia Tech students in spring 2025. All listed times are EST. To register, log in to the Admission Portal, scroll down to the events section, and click on the calendar that says "campus partner sessions." They are also listed on the Undergraduate Admissions website, but will require you to log in to register for the session.
• Thursday, January 23, 6:00 PM
• Monday, February 17, 6:00 PM
• Tuesday, March 25, 6:00 PM
• Wednesday, April 30, 6:00 PM
Students admitted for the summer or fall term begin in the fall. First-year students are not admitted to the Honors Program in the spring term.
Our selection process is holistic: our goal is to identify students who will benefit from and contribute to our Honors Program living learning community. We give primary consideration to the following:
(a) Honors Program application essays, and
(b) information from the Georgia Tech Office of Undergraduate Admission. We use this information to create a community that is diverse in terms of major and academic/intellectual interests. We do not consider high school GPA or test scores, as this was already considered in the Georgia Tech admissions process.
For first-year students, the Honors Program fee is $800. Honors Program students will be charged $400 in fall semester and $400 in spring semester of their first year. There is no fee after the first year. Our entering class each fall is limited by the design of our Honors Program residence hall. Housing is available to Honors Program students of all genders. To read more about this at Georgia Tech, visit the Housing website.
*PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR HP ENTERING CLASS MAY FILL BEFORE THE DEADLINE: In order to officially accept your invitation to the HP, you must first pay your Georgia Tech admissions deposit and complete your fall housing application. YOU MUST COMPLETE THESE TWO STEPS FIRST IN ORDER TO ACCEPT YOUR INVITATION. Note that it can take up to 24 hours for each form to process.
We encourage you to accept your invitation as soon as possible, as we fill our positions on a first-come, first-served basis until we reach the capacity of our residence halls, so your space is not guaranteed until you accept. If we are unable to confirm your admission, you can choose to join our waitlist and we may be able to confirm your admission later, should space become available.